Tag Archives: children’s rights

Amid state of crisis, schools demand scholar transport

Thousands of learners in the Eastern Cape continue to walk long distances each day to attend school; sometimes for more than 12 kilometres and for over four hours, through bushes, next to busy roads, and over flooded streams. Their routes are often unsafe, with armed threats and thefts a common occurrence, making it a feat […]

Realising the Right to Education in Uganda

Workshop report: Realising the Right to Education in Uganda LRC and ISER create a space for learning and collaboration in Uganda The Legal Resources Centre (LRC), in collaboration with the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER), hosted a two day workshop on 18-19 March 2015 in Kampala, which focussed on using strategic litigation to […]

Realising the Right to Education: Pratham Programmes in India

Pratham is an innovative learning organisation, established to improve the education system in India. One of their principal projects is the Urban Programme, which seeks to provide learning support through a variety of interventions in the community. Visits to informal schools are conducted by staff of the project such as Pratyush Bose, pictured below. Cameron […]

Litigating the Holes in Education

By: Claire Martens (writing in her personal capacity) In recent months, the spotlight has shone rather harshly on the holes in South Africa’s education system. Illuminating the deficiencies in the system has been largely the work of a number of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) and Section 27. I recall that […]