Tag Archives: Constitution

The Road to Freedom – George Bizos

Freedom Month Lecture Series, University of the Witwatersrand Speech by: Advocate George Bizos SC (Counsel, Legal Resources Centre) assisted by Byron Jaffe, Monika Juengst-Miechzkowska and Avani Singh (Legal Resources Centre) presented at the University of the Witwaterstrand, hosted by the Department of Arts and Culture 21 April 2016 Introduction The progress towards democracy in South […]

16 Days: Facing imprisonment in Malawi

During 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children, the Legal Resources Centre will be sharing the stories of survivors of gender based violence who fled their countries to seek asylum in South Africa. Many women, children and sexual and gender non-conforming persons endure horrific hardship, sexual persecution, assault, rape and discrimination […]

Restoring power or the dignity of rural people?

The LRC’s Constitutional Litigation Unit attorney, Wilmien Wilcomb, recently published an article in Business Day on the Traditional Courts Bill, entitled, “Restoring power or the dignity of rural people?” In it, she states that: “Opposition to the bill is largely based on the fact that it does not reflect living customary law and its participatory […]

Litigating the Holes in Education

By: Claire Martens (writing in her personal capacity) In recent months, the spotlight has shone rather harshly on the holes in South Africa’s education system. Illuminating the deficiencies in the system has been largely the work of a number of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) and Section 27. I recall that […]